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4 reasons why young people should go into agriculture

Agriculture is fun

Contrary to the notion that agriculture is all about dirty boots, it is an exciting adventure that makes you learn new things every day. Have you ever grown food and seen your harvest and produce surplus food to share with neighours and friends? It is a ‘soft life’, waking up and picking your breakfast salad items; vegetables from your garden. It is fun, having peace of mind and flexibility.

Discovering new things.

Did you know almost every plant, has at least 4 varieties? Our stable crops in Ghana which are rice, maize, cassava, tomatoes, and others have more than one variety. I bet this is new to most people reading this article. And with agriculture, you get to learn new things and the numerous entrepreneurial ventures to adopt. You get to also know that farming is beyond hoes and cutlasses.

Agriculture matters to the future of development.

It is crucial to engage more energetic youth to help ensure the future of agriculture because the world and a booming population rely on agriculture, produce more nutrient-dense food, and enhance people’s lives, especially the poor. There is a need to establish sustainable and viable ways to assure a thriving agricultural system because problems like climate change, soil depletion, and others are harming our local food systems.

Agricultural research needs young brainpower

The world is rapidly evolving, with new pest attacks on crops and animals. There is a growing demand for fresh ideas and renewed knowledge to explore creative avenues in agriculture which will foster climate-smart agriculture and innovate in the sector to power future growth. Having vibrant youth with effective innovations will help create untapped career paths in agriculture.