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Cocoa farmers in Wassa East cries for support

Cocoa farmers in Wassa East cries for support

The Wassa East District Chief Executive, Mr. Emmanuel Boakye assured the farmers of efforts being made to resolve their concerns after bemoaning the lack of support for farmers, whose core business is to support the economy of the country.

The growing concerns of the farmers in the area are the deplorable roads, the non-existence of bridges linking one community to the other, and the unavailability of agrochemicals and fertilizers among other farm inputs. 

Addressing a gathering at separate meetings during a working visit to Tosen, Amponsaso, Sekyere Obuasi, and Ologo in the Ekutuase Electoral Area Mr. Boakye emphasised that the district is not benefiting from cocoa roads and other supports because many of the cocoa beans purchased from the district are recorded in the name of Twifo Heman or Cape Coast, describing the situation as unfortunate. 

According to the DCE, plans are far advanced to collate information on cocoa produced in the district and present the record to COCOBOD to convince authorities to make the district a cocoa-growing area. 

According to reports, many of the cocoa purchasing clerks record and label cocoa purchased from the District in the name of the Central Region and other neighbouring districts. 

Mr. Boakye informed the people that his work as a DCE is to solve problems with the help and support of every individual member of the district, adding that success can only be achieved when all hands are on deck. 

He, therefore, urged the people not to relent in paying their taxes since it is the only means authorities can source funds to respond to their development needs, noting that almost all the communities visited have some development challenges which need to be addressed.