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Professor Paul Pinnock Bosu appointed Director-General of CSIR

The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has appointed Professor Paul Pinnock Bosu as its new Director General (DG) for the next five (5) years. Professor Bosu takes over from Prof. Victor Kwame Agyeman, who successfully completed his tenure of office in February, 2022.

Prior to this appointment, Prof. Bosu, served as the Deputy Director-General (DDG) of CSIR from January 2019 to April 2022 as well as the Deputy Director of the CSIR-Forestry Research Institute of Ghana (CSIR-FORIG) in Kumasi.

Speaking at his inauguration on Friday,  May 11, 2022, Prof. Bosu pledged to follow the CSIR’s four-point agenda established in its Strategic Plan with enthusiasm. “We will significantly improve research delivery and transfer of all CSIR technologies and aggressively pursue financial resource mobilization to make resources available for research”, he indicated.  He emphasised on the importance of the CSIR improving its commercialization of research outcomes and increasing its proposal writing activities.

Prof. Bosu also criticised the ongoing encroachment of private individuals on CSIR research lands. “As I speak, our lands at the CSIR-Animal Research Institute in Accra are under siege by land guards and miscreants. This poses a huge threat to our research activities”, he lamented.

He urged the Ghanaian government and all stakeholders to help address this critical issue by taking quick action to conserve all CSIR lands. The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) is an African institution that conducts scientific and technological research, development, and implementation.

The Council undertakes directed and multidisciplinary research, technological innovation as well as industrial and scientific development to improve the quality of life of the country’s people. The mission of the CSIR is to become the force for accelerated social and economic development of Ghana through examining, exploring and creating Science and Technology catalysts for public and private wealth creation. From its Head Office in Accra, the CSIR oversees and coordinates the activities of thirteen (13) research institutes spread throughout the country.

Prof. Bosu  is a member of the Executive Committee of the Modernising Agriculture in Ghana (MAG) programme, a member of the Advisory Board of the College of Basic and Applied Sciences (CBAS), of the University of Ghana (Legon), and a member of the Board of the Centre for Plant Medicine Research (CPMR), Mampong Akwapim.

He also serves as the Deputy Coordinator of the International Union of Forest Research Organisations’ Working Party on Diseases and Pests of Tropical Forests. He is a Founding Member, as well as an Executive Committee Member, of the Forest Invasive Species Network for Africa (FISNA). His most recent assignment was the delivery of the keynote address at the XV World Forestry Congress on “The Role of Forest Genetic Resources and Integrated Pest Management for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation” in Seoul, South Korea on May 15, 2022.