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Best farmer commends Government for free supply of liquid fertiliser to support farmers

Dormaa Central Municipal Best Cocoa Farmer,Mr George Adu-Adjei has commended the government for distributing free liquid fertilizers as a substitute to the granular one, through local farmers’ unions, to mitigate the global shortages.
In an interview with Ghana News Agency at Antwirifo, a farming community in the Dormaa Central Municipality of the Bono Region, Mr Adu-Adjei said farmers were informed that because of the high shipment cost of the fertilizer, due to the Russian–Ukraine war, the Government was unable to procure the fertilizers for onward distribution to farmers.
The liquid fertilizer had, therefore, been supplied to the farmers for trials and had the same potency and efficiency as the granular type, Mr Adu-Adjei said.
It was very costly on the market but the Government was supplying them for free, he said.
He, however, appealed for the extension of grants, incentives, and soft loans to farmers to enable them to expand their cocoa farms and create employment opportunities for more young men and women, to make up for the decline in farm hands due to ageing.