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Amazing health benefits of Hibiscus tea (Sobolo)

Sobolo (also known as hibiscus tea) is a refreshing drink loved by Ghanaians. This drink can easily be prepared at home using the leaves and other accessible ingredients. It is made from leaves or flowers, of hibiscus that is native to West Africa. Let’s delve into the numerous benefits derived from this cold drink that is easily found in restaurants and parties. The Hibiscus flower contains properties that has several health benefits associated with it. Here are 4 Health benefits of Hibiscus Tea.

1. Regulates Blood Pressure
A few cups of sobolo have been proven to be effective in regulating blood pressure. Studies show that hibiscus tea keep your blood pressure under control. It may lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

2. Helps with Weight Control.
Incorporating Sobolo into one’s diet has shown to aid in weight control. It can be a great addition to a balanced diet. The oxidants in Sobolo help to maintain healthy weight. Also, it has been proven to control a person’s appetite to some extent.

3. Helps Strengthen the Immune System
Hibiscus tea is known for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It is an essential nutrient that helps strengthen the immune system by protecting it from cold, flu and infections. It also contains Vitamin C, which helps in healing of wounds.

4. Good Source of Iron
Hibiscus is a great source of iron, which can help improve energy and focus. It also regulates body temperature. Low iron levels can be resolved by consuming the needed amount of hibiscus tea, which is an effective way to increase your iron intake.